© 2017 Skyline Horse Riding
Horse Riding Lessons Beginners to Advanced


Linda Perkins EA NCAS Level 1 Gen

I have owned, competed and cared for horses for over 40 years. I have vast industry experience and a wealth of knowledge that I am happy to share. As well as competing and coaching, I have been involved in setting horse industry standards and examining coaches in their progress towards their own qualifications. I founded and ran Welcome Horse Riding at Mt Samson for six years until I decided it was time to start a family. At Welcome Horse Riding we had over 15,000 riders per year; teaching children and adults in group and private lessions, trail rides over the 500 acres, school holiday programs, staff coaching clinics, all the time setting the industry standard for well cared for horses and rider safety.


I teach private lessions at your place or mine. You can email me at riding@arimist.com.au for more information.
Horse Riding Lessons Beginners to Advanced


Linda Perkins EA NCAS Level 1


I have owned, competed and cared for horses for over 40 years. I have vast industry experience and a wealth of knowledge that I am happy to share. As well as competing and coaching, I have been involved in setting horse industry standards and examining coaches in their progress towards their own qualifications. I founded and ran Welcome Horse Riding at Mt Samson for six years until I decided it was time to start a family. At Welcome Horse Riding we had over 15,000 riders per year; teaching children and adults in group and private lessions, trail rides over the 500 acres, school holiday programs, staff coaching clinics, all the time setting the industry standard for well cared for horses and rider safety.


I teach private lessions at your place or mine. You can email me at riding@arimist.com.au for more information.